The film, “Mural of Space and Time,” is a mini-documentary inspired by the Master of Space & Time, Leon Russell. The film premiered during the local programming at Sundance Film Festival at Circle Cinema in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The podcast this week takes on a more “panel discussion” format with Executive Producer (Teresa Knox), Director (Jordan Price), Music Director (Cade Roberts), and the original oil-on-paint artist extraordinaire; Pat Gordon. Hosted by Cade Roberts (aka Music Director); we discuss the entire process of making this dream project a reality. The challenges, the high points, and everything in between.

The podcast was filmed and recorded at the historic Harwelden Mansion, built in 1923, with the 8 Patrick (p.s.) Gordon oil paintings in the background

FROM THE CHAMBER:  The podcast’s name is inspired by the rare and exquisite subterranean echo chambers housed beneath the legendary The Church Studio in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’ll be taking a deep dive into all things music with all of your favorite recording artists, producers, engineers, actors, and many other notable music fans and connoisseurs. Our mission is simple: to celebrate great music and the masterful art of capturing, enjoying, and promoting it.

Follow The Church Studio:
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Website:  https://thechurchstudio.com/
Podcast:  https://fromthechamber.buzzsprout.com/

Historic Harwelden Mansion and B&B
1923 Historic Mansion in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Event Center, Wedding Venue, Bed & Breakfast

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